How Hotels Can Keep Consumers Engaged While Planning for COVID-19 Recovery

Hotel management
Hotel management 

COVID-19 has given a severe blow to the hotel management and travel business. Although we are in the phase where lockdown has been restricted, it goes without saying that there have been a great number of changes within the hotel operations itself.

Although social distancing is good for the country it is severely crippling the hotel industry with a huge blow. Even with help from the government, these businesses are facing a massive let down.

Hotels are releasing official statements about how they want to prioritize the health and safety of all their guests and travelers but the economic blow is not out of anyone's mind.

Steps to make customers feel safe 

Here are certain things which you can do in order to make the customers feel safe:

• Use alcohol-based sanitizers

• Ask all your employees to wear masks

• Keep the minimal social distance from all your guests

• Sanitize the doors, floors and common places as much as possible.

Every college including the top 10 hotel management colleges in Kolkata are teaching these steps to the students. 

Release a few statements saying that your hotel is taking the top precautionary measures and keeping everyone's health at priority. 

This will help create a sense of trust and belongingness among the people. They will hold your hotel to higher standards than the rest of your competitors. Say that your employees use sanitizers, all your rooms are sanitized and a bunch of other things related to the sanitation and hygiene factor.

Hotel management colleges in Kolkata has already started including these steps and protocols in their curriculum to help students learn these things for their professional abilities.

They have been taking the pandemic outbreak crisis head-on and providing pragmatic solutions. Institutes are trying to diffuse the situation and setting an example.


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